The IndraStra Global Index (IGI) is an all-inclusive and non-commercial digital bibliographic database that acts as a valuable asset for researchers, scholars, and academics from diverse fields. Its primary objective is to provide convenient access to scholarly information by consolidating abstracts and citations from a vast array of open-access academic journals and repositories. The database's wide coverage and user-friendly interface have made it an essential resource for individuals eager to explore and interact with the most recent research and scholarly publications.
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Superpower Responsibility, China, the South China Sea and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Since the coming into power of President Xi Jinping in China in 2012, an important objective of Beijing’s foreign policy has been to modify the…
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The Wars Go On.....
The conflict that has engulfed Syria over the past five years has been a horrendous humanitarian catastrophe that has, and continues to have, very…