The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus has provided a pretext formany countries of the world to extend executive powers, and their digitalsurveillance capacities in particular. Aiming to identify how differentregimes frame digital surveillance,…
Recent occasional attacks on Chinese entrepreneurs in Zambia, supposedly on grounds that they are expropriating socio-economic opportunities for Zambians, deserve a fresh interrogation of Zambia–China relations. Labourrelated tensions between Chinese…
The concept of 'peace' is defined and understood in various ways. Understanding peace as absence of violence is a limited vision. Peace encompasses happiness and harmony among living beings. In a wider understanding, peace is the nature and goal of…
Global environmental governance is deeply undermined due to the problem of overlapping function and lack of funding. It is then important to trace the history of the construction of global environmental governance as an institution. This article…
This article is an overview of opinions and recommendations adopted in the European Union vis-à-vis urban policy. The author analyses the Pact of Amsterdam and future perspectives of the implementation of EU Urban Agenda.
International security and its relevancy to nation’s stability are heavily influenced by the geo-political situation of a country. By geo-politics, it is a relationship among politics, geography, demography, and economics-especially in respect to…
The Polish-Hungarian relationship remains something extraordinary on a European scale. Although the consciousness of the societies of both nations is dominated by a positive perception of mutual relations, it was not a constant phenomenon in history.…
Georges Sorel is a Franco-Italian thinker, famous as the creator of the theory of modern political mythology. In Poland Sorel is seen only as a Marxist thinker. In reality, Sorel was a nonorthodox Marxist, but in the last decades of his life he…
This article applies Moravscik's ideational liberalism to outline domestic and international influences on German state preference formation since the introduction of the euro and discusses the trends that distinguish German policy making and why…
This paper uses the model of the new growth theory to evaluate whether or not Trinidad and Tobago can develop a sustainable path of development in the non-oil sectors that would lead to increased trade with the rest of the world. It is proposed that…