This article presents the main ANSA involved in the conflict in EasternUkraine. It focusses on an analysis of the specific phenomenon of theopolchentsy - Narodnoe opolchenie Donbassa. The aim of this paper is tointroduce and describe these actors and…
In the light of the Chinese and Indian perspectives on the cessation of theDoklam impasse, the present article analyses China’s role and status ininternational politics. The Chinese perspective described China as a statusquo power and never accepted…
This edited volume is the first to discuss the methodological implications ofthe ‘emotional turn’ in International Relations. While emotions have becomeof increasing interest to IR theory, methodological challenges have yet toreceive proper…
Feminism’s origins have often been framed around a limited cast of mostlywhite and educated foremothers, but the truth is that feminism has beenand continues to be a global movement. For centuries, women from allwalks of life have been mobilizing for…
There is growing alarm over how drugs increasingly empower terrorists,insurgents, traffickers, and gangs. But by looking back not just years anddecades but centuries, Peter Andreas reveals that the drugs-conflict nexusis actually an old story, and…
Over the course of the twentieth century, Japan has experienced a radicalshift in its self-perception. After World War II, Japan embraced a peacefuland anti-militarist identity, which was based on its war-prohibitingConstitution and the foreign…
Since the end of the Cold War, informal security cooperation has been on the rise. Besides formal alliances, states are increasingly establishing so-called “strategic partnerships”. This new form of security cooperation is currently under-researched,…
This article presents a theoretical and descriptive account of the worldwide media visibility of NATO, the European Union, and the United Nations in connection to the Russia-Ukraine war. I formulate a theoretical framework that highlights the…
This article provides new insights into size variation of national delegationsto plenary meetings of international organizations. Plenaries are supremedecision-making bodies representing a symbol of national sovereignty as allmember states of the…
The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 put governments under pressure toswiftly introduce measures to protect citizens and react appropriately to theemerging threat. This paper focuses on geo-location tracking mobile phoneapplications developed in the Czech…