This article is devoted to the roots of the developments that have taken place in Ukraine since Autumn 2013 and up to the Russian invasion. It stresses the historical differences between Ukraine and Russia, presents the international milieu of…
Ukrainian lands in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have been in proximity of great geopolitical changes several times. During that time the Ukrainian nation – due to various factors – encountered a number of “windows of opportunity” for…
Understanding the rule of law in the Antipodes, that is in the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, as a legal value is clear to both of these societies. The rule of law, oftentimes called the state of law, is the basis of the system of values,…
This paper focuses on the Xinjiang conflict with the central government as one of the conflicts that have sparked the world's attention, especially in western countries. Western media spend their most effort on discussing Vocational Education and…
Východiskem knihy je feministická kritika současné diplomacie, kterápovažuje genderovou nerovnost za jeden z jejích problémů. Kniha tytootázky podrobuje analýze, která jde za úroveň pouhé kritiky současnéhostavu. V centru pozornosti stojí eliminace…
This paper explores how European integration impacts the national identities of Member States. Identity is an amorphous concept, and so this paper focuses on one dimension of it: the perception of the relative status of the nation that nationalized…
Vietnam tries to respond to changing international situations, while attempting to stay in accordance with its own ambitions. China and the USA, the two superpowers, are the most important partners of Vietnamese strategy, which is determined by these…
Jak funguje demokracie v Malajsii? Tato monografie jako první v českémprostředí přináší rozsáhlou analýzu volebních a politických jevůodehrávajících se v malajsijské politice. Malajsie prošla do získání svénezávislosti v roce 1957 koloniální…
One of the main issues in international relations today is about the security of (natural) resources. Water is now increasingly viewed as one of strategic resource that has to be secured. In this context, water security and international relations…
According to some perspectives, it is difficult to imagine the collective West developing further relations with Russia beyond the regulatory and systemic – rather than the social – so long as their political systems remain divergent. At the same…