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In today's typical workplaces, stress is seen as becoming increasingly more common. Occupational stress is that stress which derives specifically from conditions in the workplace. 'Burn out is a by-product of stress. The study aims to understand the…

Reproductive health in general and adolescent reproductive health in particular has not received concerted attention in our country so far. The traditional view of marriage as "protection' to girls in puberty from premarital sexual exploitation…

Abuse as every one knows, is not only wife-beating or bride burning, it can take many forms. It is not confined to lower socioeconomic levels of society. Women suffer emotional abuse at every level, even in so called educated, "cultured" houses.…

Women are equal or near equal to men in as far as sheer number is concerned, constituting almost 50% of the world population. However, it is common knowledge that this is where all comparisons end. Women's lives, the social pressures they are…

The biological model in health research is biased to women issues by minimizing them into anatomical and physiological factors. As one critical article put it 'women are studied for what distinguishes them from men their breast-and…

From womb to grave, in times of peace as well as war, women face discrimination at the hands of the state, community and the family. Female infanticide deprives countless women of life itself. Every year, millions of women are raped by partners,…

God created man and woman as complementary beings to each other.But man decided otherwise and enslaved woman for satisfaction of his own desires. The roles of men and women have undergone little or no change over the ages. A woman's identity has…

Feminism has come a long way. Gone are the days when women took out rallies to fight for their suffragist rights. Gone are the days when women demanded for the demonstration of equality in their pay slips. Gone are the days when women writers were…

One of the oldest applications of sociology has been in the field of rural society, as more and more sociologists devoted their attention to the study of regional differences from the sociological point of view. The problem of education in modern…

Sustainability of renewable natural resources, in general, and common pool natural resources (e.g., land, Water and Forests) in particular has now become a major concern to natural resources policy makers, planners, scholars and managers in both…
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