Since President of China Xi Jinping introduced the mega infrastructure project Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in late 2013, many have doubted the real objective of the president, particularly since world leadership position has been vacant because US…
Situated in a highly dynamic region at the crossroads of the Pacific and Indian Ocean, Indonesia’s foreign policy has long been influenced by both international and domestic factors. In light of these changes, we firstly look at the development of…
From its inception, the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) has struggled to reconcile its relatively small capabilities with its large responsibilities. This paper argues that significant reforms need to be carried out in order to improve the overall capacity…
Chinatown is a residential area inhabited by a group of ethnic Chinese. These settlements have been widely spread in various countries since hundreds of years ago and attracted the tourist all over the world. Nevertheless, the emergence of COVID-19…
This article tries to enrich the conceptual debate and discussions among international relations and strategic studies scholars regarding explanations of weak actor‟s victories against strong actors in military conflicts. For longtime strategic…
One fact that is very often overlooked is that the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, often referred to as Chinese Indonesians, play an important part in the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and People’s Republic of China (PRC.) The image that the…
In 2013, Southeast Asian countries have to face a disastrous haze pollution coming from Indonesia. Transboundary Haze Pollution (THP) is a deadly occurrences that repeats annually. As a result, Indonesia’s neighboring countries must encounter…
AbstrakLatar belakang artikel ini adalah ekspansi China di Laut China Selatan serta pengaktifan kembali Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD). QSD adalah pertemuan non-formal yang beranggotakan United States, Australia, India, dan Japan. Artikel ini…
Global economic policy dominated by the influence of the Washington Consensus during the past few decades has led to many upheavals in the global economic order. The term Washington Consensus is associated with three major institutions located in…
The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has brought many fundamental changes in the political practices. One of the main essential aspects of ICTs is internet. This internet plays an important role in developing the…