Browse Items (125 total)

This article analyzes the development of civil society in Russia in response to the fledging post-Soviet health care crisis. In recent years, Russian civil society has become significantly stronger and more actively engaged in public debates on…

The promising agenda of EU-Russia cooperation has resulted in mutual frustration manifested in continuous, paradoxical crises and isolation between the partners. This article offers a possible way to reflect on an uneasy EU-Russia relationship. In…

Constructivist theory has been part of the historiography of the Cold War's end and the unification of Germany since the late 1990s. However, much of the literature on the subject of Gorbachev and German unity interprets events using security and…

Twenty years since the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region first began, 610,000 people are still internally displaced in Azerbaijan, living in poverty and in wretched housing conditions. The causes of violence in…

The relationship between migration and extremist parties has been an overlapping topic in studies of party systems, citizenship, and migration. This body of work has collectively challenged the view that the success of radical right parties in…

This article applies Moravscik's ideational liberalism to outline domestic and international influences on German state preference formation since the introduction of the euro and discusses the trends that distinguish German policy making and why…

This article asks how ideas have mattered for the establishment of policy goals for the Europe 2020 Strategy. I argue that despite the specification of new environmental and social targets, the overall policy goals of Europe 2020 remain consistent…

Since 2000, the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) has become a policy approach increasingly used in the European policy making process. By focusing on research policy, this study examines the ways in which the OMC and the mutual learning initiatives…

This paper explores how European integration impacts the national identities of Member States. Identity is an amorphous concept, and so this paper focuses on one dimension of it: the perception of the relative status of the nation that nationalized…

The mid and late 2000s witnessed a proliferation of political parties in European party systems. Marxist, Libertarian, Pirate, and Animal parties, as well as radical-right and populist parties, have become part of an increasingly heterogeneous…
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