The paper explores selected factors influencing the process of radicalisation leading to the use of political violence and terror by the Muslim minorities living in the European Union member states. Internal and external catalysts conditioning this…
This paper explains various strategies of contemporary Islamists extremism in Europe. The author identifies the most important variants of Islamist extremism and deals with their goals and with strategic approaches how to achieve these goals.…
David Rapoport’s Wave theory of terrorism is one of the most oftencited theories in the literature on terrorist violence. Rapoport is praised for having provided researchers with a universal instrument which allows them to explain the origin and…
Political extremism (and particularly right wing political extremism) remains relatively insufficiently explored due to the fact that the phenomenon is controversial and hard to define. Its ambiguity and variability depending on time and spatial…
On July 22, 2011 Anders Breivik murdered a large amount of people in Norway. In this study we investigate a sample of articles that were published about Breivik and his deeds in the Flemish and Dutch press. We will investigate these articles looking…
It is a fact that in the European Union there is a strengthening of right-wing extremism, radical right movement, populism and nationalism. The consequences of the economic crisis, such as a decline in living standards, losing of jobs, rising…
The paper provides a comprehensive overview of European radical parties. The main aim of this paper is to examine whether there are common patterns regarding these parties, and to analyse the implications of this phenomenon. In order to achieve the…
After the London bombings in July 2005, the concern of terrorism scholars and policy makers has turned to “home-grown” terrorism and potential for political violence from within the states. “Radicalization” became a new buzz word. This article…
Dieser Artikel stellt die Wechselwirkungsenergie-Unternehmen aus Deutschland und Österreich in der Zeit der Finanzkrise dar. Dazu gehören Unternehmen wie die Verbund AG, EVN und ÖMV. Österreichische Energieunternehmen in Deutschland sind wichtige…
Mai 2004 – ein glückliches Datum für die Polen. Republik Polen wurde Mitglied der EU! Die Österreicher freuten sich nicht so sehr über die Aufnahme von zehn Ländern aus Mittel- und Osteuropa in die EU-Strukturen. Vor der Erweiterung der Union…