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This book offers a comparative survey of 18 contemporary peace processes conducted by leading international scholars.
There is no standard model of peace processes and all will vary according to the context, type of conflict, timing, national and…

A non-traditional candidate, an unprecedented president? Why didAmericans elect such a controversial figure as the head of their country?What were the causes and context for electing Donald Trump as theAmerican president and which strategies and…

V prvním letošním čísle Mezinárodních vztahů vyšel článek Tomáše Profantas názvem Rasizmus v rozvoji a rozvojové spolupráci. Publikování textuspustilo živou diskusi, kterou se redakce rozhodla podpořit oslovenímněkterých dalších autorů a autorek a…

Representative democracy is beset by a crisis of legitimacy across the world,but in Europe this crisis is compounded by the inadequacy of nationalgovernments to address citizens’ frustrations and to achieve transnationalunity on common issues. How…

This book explores the evolution of the 30 functioning multilateraldevelopment banks (MDBs). MDBs have their roots in the growing systemof international finance and multilateral cooperation, with the firstrecognisable MDB being proposed by Latin…

At the root of inequality, unemployment, and populism are radical changesin the world economy. Digital technology is allowing talented foreigners totelecommute into our workplaces and compete for service and professionaljobs. Instant machine…

As demonstrated in any conflict, war is violent and causes grave harms toinnocent persons, even when fought in compliance with just war criteria. Inthis book, Rosemary Kellison presents a feminist critique of just warreasoning, with particular focus…

Jak bude vypadat svět po koronavirové pandemii? A nežijeme v něm jižnějakou dobu? Neučinila pandemie jen zřejmějšími dlouhodobé trendy? Jakby se měly na ekonomickou krizi v době deglobalizace připravit národnístáty a jak Evropská unie? Ivan Krastev…

The key input into the monitoring of the implementation of universalhuman rights treaties is provided by national implementation reports. Inspite of the importance of these reports, there is a large variation in thequantities of these reports…

The English School of International Relations is one of the long-established theoretical approaches in IR that systematically explores the purpose and the character of international order at the macro-level of international politics. It does so by…
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