Drawing on the concept of vaccine diplomacy, the article analyses Russia’se!orts to promote its Sputnik V vaccine and the repercussions this had intwo Central European EU member states which authorized the use of theRussian vaccine. The authors argue…
The outbreak of COVID-19 has significantly reshaped debates on the globalorder, democratic politics and the liberal mode of governing societies. Somehave compared the virus to the “ultimate empty signifier”, which alloweddifficult ideological groups…
Current research on motivational sources of military interventions in civilwars frequently assumes that states intervene due to direct interests in thecivil war country. However, this study argues that there exists a subset ofinterventions in which…
The European Union (EU) is facing one of the rockiest periods in itsexistence. At no time in its history has it looked so economically fragile, soinsecure about how to protect its borders, so divided over how to tackle thecrisis of legitimacy facing…
V prvním letošním čísle Mezinárodních vztahů vyšel článek Tomáše Profantas názvem Rasizmus v rozvoji a rozvojové spolupráci. Publikování textuspustilo živou diskusi, kterou se redakce rozhodla podpořit oslovenímněkterých dalších autorů a autorek a…
Thinking on war, violence and security has always been associated withconcepts of femininity and masculinity. Similarly, wars and politicaltransformations also change the notions of the roles of women and men insociety. This article shows how the…
In the light of the Chinese and Indian perspectives on the cessation of theDoklam impasse, the present article analyses China’s role and status ininternational politics. The Chinese perspective described China as a statusquo power and never accepted…
The present book reveals and compares the ways in which hierarchies ofpower are created in postcolonial societies. At the same time, it tries todeconstruct these hierarchies, ie to reveal their initial assumptions andconsequences. Thus, it shows that…
The postcommunist countries were amongst the most fervent andcommitted adopters of neoliberal economic reforms. Not only did theymanage to overcome the anticipated domestic opposition to 'shocktherapy' and Washington Consensus reforms, but many…