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An emerging literature has shown concerns about the impact of thepandemic on the proliferation of digital surveillance. Contributing to thesedebates, in this paper we demonstrate how the pandemic facilitates digitalsurveillance in three ways: (1) By…

The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus has provided a pretext formany countries of the world to extend executive powers, and their digitalsurveillance capacities in particular. Aiming to identify how differentregimes frame digital surveillance,…

Hybrid regimes have been largely overlooked in the scholarly discussion onthe effectiveness of halting the new COVID-19 virus, not least due to thelack of conceptual clarity, as such regimes are considered as the halfway or“grey area” on the…

The current political environment is undergoing gradual improvements that significantly change the nature of the international system. One of these changes is the growing trend of feminist foreign policy (FFP), which promises to transform the…

This article examines Judith Butler’s concepts of vulnerability andgrievability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and biopowerpractices introduced in the name of the protection of the people. Ananalysis of the elite political discourse in…

In this article, we discuss the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic as abiopolitical challenge that – along the lines of the contemporary academicdebate on biopower – may be approached through the concepts ofsovereignty and governmentality. Within this…

Terorismus představuje významnou hrozbu národní i mezinárodníbezpečnosti a již několik let se stává velice diskutovaným tématem také vČeské republice. Tato publikace přináší hlubší vhled do problematikyterorismu v jeho rozmanitých dimenzích, které…

Building on an original dataset, this article focuses on the interactions between NATO and its declared worldwide partners. It argues that the analysis of these interactions can reveal NATO’s strategic approach to partnerships, but it can also…

Východiskem knihy je feministická kritika současné diplomacie, kterápovažuje genderovou nerovnost za jeden z jejích problémů. Kniha tytootázky podrobuje analýze, která jde za úroveň pouhé kritiky současnéhostavu. V centru pozornosti stojí eliminace…

The study focuses on the long-term struggle for an autocephalous statusfor Ukrainian Orthodoxy and also on the links between religion andnationalism. Theoretically it is based primarily on Rogers Brubaker’sconcept of religion as imbricated or…
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