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The phenomenal story of China’s ‘unprecedented disposition to engage theinternational legal order’ has been primarily told and examined by politicalscientists and economists. Since China adopted its ‘open door’ policy in1978, which altered its…

Současná nestabilita arabského světa se projevuje různě: revolucemi,politickým islámem, terorismem, migrací a hroucením celých států.Kniha vysvětluje kořeny nestability s pomocí teoreticky původní a empirickypodložené historicko-sociologické…

There is growing alarm over how drugs increasingly empower terrorists,insurgents, traffickers, and gangs. But by looking back not just years anddecades but centuries, Peter Andreas reveals that the drugs-conflict nexusis actually an old story, and…

The book reconstructs how the normative yardsticks that underpinevaluations of international organizations have changed since 1970. Basedon in-depth case studies of normative change in five internationalorganizations over a period of five decades,…

This volume aims to unsettle the silence that surrounds fieldwork failure in both methods training and academic publications. While fieldwork has gradually evolved into standard practice in IR research, the question of possible failuresin field-based…

Visegrádská skupina se po rozpadu sovětského bloku stala nejvýraznějšímregionálním uskupením v prostoru střední Evropy. Historicky se jedná oregion s mimořádnou geopolitickou senzitivitou, přičemž po pádu železnéopony se státy v něm ležící…

The text presents a contribution to the study of territoriality of violent non-state actors in areas of limited internal state power projection. It presentsthe strategy of liquid territoriality as a survival strategy of the territorialviolent…

Are United Nations peacekeeping missions effective at reducing violence incivil wars? Although UN peacekeeping is a notable intervention tool, theinternational community lacks systematic knowledge of how well itmitigates civil war violence. Given…

An emerging literature has shown concerns about the impact of thepandemic on the proliferation of digital surveillance. Contributing to thesedebates, in this paper we demonstrate how the pandemic facilitates digitalsurveillance in three ways: (1) By…

Feminism’s origins have often been framed around a limited cast of mostlywhite and educated foremothers, but the truth is that feminism has beenand continues to be a global movement. For centuries, women from allwalks of life have been mobilizing for…
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