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This article presents a theoretical and descriptive account of the worldwide media visibility of NATO, the European Union, and the United Nations in connection to the Russia-Ukraine war. I formulate a theoretical framework that highlights the…

This article provides new insights into size variation of national delegationsto plenary meetings of international organizations. Plenaries are supremedecision-making bodies representing a symbol of national sovereignty as allmember states of the…

The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 put governments under pressure toswiftly introduce measures to protect citizens and react appropriately to theemerging threat. This paper focuses on geo-location tracking mobile phoneapplications developed in the Czech…

The research looks into the authoritarian regime survival strategies in Egyptand Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it examines howthe autocratic rulers in both countries dealt with the securitization dilemmacaused by the coronavirus…

The European Union (EU) is facing one of the rockiest periods in itsexistence. At no time in its history has it looked so economically fragile, soinsecure about how to protect its borders, so divided over how to tackle thecrisis of legitimacy facing…

Are United Nations peacekeeping missions effective at reducing violence incivil wars? Although UN peacekeeping is a notable intervention tool, theinternational community lacks systematic knowledge of how well itmitigates civil war violence. Given…

The book reconstructs how the normative yardsticks that underpinevaluations of international organizations have changed since 1970. Basedon in-depth case studies of normative change in five internationalorganizations over a period of five decades,…

Meet the world's most dangerous man. Or is he? Who is the real VladimirPutin? What does he want? And what will he do next? Despite the millions ofwords written on Putin's Russia, the West still fails to truly understand oneof the world's most…

Representative democracy is beset by a crisis of legitimacy across the world,but in Europe this crisis is compounded by the inadequacy of nationalgovernments to address citizens’ frustrations and to achieve transnationalunity on common issues. How…

This article examines Judith Butler’s concepts of vulnerability andgrievability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and biopowerpractices introduced in the name of the protection of the people. Ananalysis of the elite political discourse in…
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