This edited volume explores the different ways in which members of theEuropean Union have interacted with Kosovo since it declaredindependence in 2008. While there is a tendency to think of EU states interms of two distinct groups – those that have…
The focus of this study lies in the instrumental use of history as a tool forthe legitimization of political claims. Our paper is related to the SlovakNational Uprising, which plays a crucial role in the national mythology ofSlovakia. This role is a…
The adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 onwomen, peace and security (WPS) in 2000 has prompted the developmentof an extensive WPS scholarship within the field of feminist InternationalRelations. The dynamic scholarly…
This article aims to determine if the European Commission was successfulin the securitization of the Russian South Stream pipeline. The Commissiontried to convince the participating Member States to abandon the SouthStream project in favor of the…
The article examines the processes of memory securitization in the RussianFederation and Latvia during the coronavirus crisis. The key factor thatallowed the authors to make such a statement about the problem was thetemporary coincidence of the…
This article presents a theoretical and descriptive account of the worldwide media visibility of NATO, the European Union, and the United Nations in connection to the Russia-Ukraine war. I formulate a theoretical framework that highlights the…
This edited volume is the first to discuss the methodological implications ofthe ‘emotional turn’ in International Relations. While emotions have becomeof increasing interest to IR theory, methodological challenges have yet toreceive proper…
Non-state actors represent equal partners, viable competitors, and/or serious enemies in the current international system. Their specific position depends on how their behaviour in the system is perceived by states, international organizations, and…
There is growing alarm over how drugs increasingly empower terrorists,insurgents, traffickers, and gangs. But by looking back not just years anddecades but centuries, Peter Andreas reveals that the drugs-conflict nexusis actually an old story, and…
De facto states have moved from a periphery to the center of academicattention during the last two decades. The objective of the paper is anidentification of characteristic development trends within a set of thesenon-state territorial political…