Browse Items (100 total)

This article presents a theoretical and descriptive account of the worldwide media visibility of NATO, the European Union, and the United Nations in connection to the Russia-Ukraine war. I formulate a theoretical framework that highlights the…

This article examines Judith Butler’s concepts of vulnerability andgrievability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and biopowerpractices introduced in the name of the protection of the people. Ananalysis of the elite political discourse in…

Jak funguje demokracie v Malajsii? Tato monografie jako první v českémprostředí přináší rozsáhlou analýzu volebních a politických jevůodehrávajících se v malajsijské politice. Malajsie prošla do získání svénezávislosti v roce 1957 koloniální…

Východiskem knihy je feministická kritika současné diplomacie, kterápovažuje genderovou nerovnost za jeden z jejích problémů. Kniha tytootázky podrobuje analýze, která jde za úroveň pouhé kritiky současnéhostavu. V centru pozornosti stojí eliminace…

This book scrutinizes how contemporary practices of security have come torely on many different translations of security, risk, and danger.Institutions of national security policies are currently undergoing radicalconceptual and organisational…

This paper critically scrutinizes Timothy Snyder’s book The Road toUnfreedom. Russia, Europe, America (The Bodley Head, Vintage, London2018). It claims that the main reason for his failure to present a convincingaccount of the current neo-nationalist…

This handbook offers a critical assessment of the African agenda for conflictprevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding; the challengesand opportunities facing Africa’s regional organisations in their effortstowards building sustainable…

The adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 onwomen, peace and security (WPS) in 2000 has prompted the developmentof an extensive WPS scholarship within the field of feminist InternationalRelations. The dynamic scholarly…

The Russian Orthodox Church has become a significant actor in Russia afterthe fall of the Soviet Union. This text is dedicated to its role in Russiaʼsforeign policy, specifically to the topic of the Russian interest in problemsand protection of…

The recent considerable loss of many of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies remainsunchanged. The authors of the article focus on the period between 2016and 2018, when the People’s Republic of China (PRC) established itsdiplomatic ties with Taiwan’s former…
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