This handbook offers a critical assessment of the African agenda for conflictprevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding; the challengesand opportunities facing Africa’s regional organisations in their effortstowards building sustainable…
This volume offers a profoundly new interpretation of the impact ofmodern diasporas on democracy, challenging the orthodox understandingthat ties these two concepts to a bounded form of territory. Consideringdemocracy and diaspora through a…
The Russian Orthodox Church has become a significant actor in Russia afterthe fall of the Soviet Union. This text is dedicated to its role in Russiaʼsforeign policy, specifically to the topic of the Russian interest in problemsand protection of…
Po celé dějiny přicházeli ruští myslitelé, geografové a státníci s vizemi o rolia civilizační příslušnosti své velké země. Zároveň při tom odhalovalineujasněnost geografického i hodnotového rámce ruské státnosti i identityruské společnosti. Tápání…
This paper critically scrutinizes Timothy Snyder’s book The Road toUnfreedom. Russia, Europe, America (The Bodley Head, Vintage, London2018). It claims that the main reason for his failure to present a convincingaccount of the current neo-nationalist…
This article examines the relaunch of European defense cooperation since2016 from the perspective of neoclassical realism, a theoretical approach tothe study of foreign policy which explores how domestic political andideational factors shape national…
The American Century began in 1941 and ended on January 20, 2017. Whilethe United States remains a military giant and is still an economicpowerhouse, it no longer dominates the world economy or geopolitics as itonce did. The current turn toward…
Foreign and security policy have long been removed from the politicalpressures that influence other areas of policymaking. This has led to atendency to separate the analytical levels of the individual and thecollective. Using Lacanian theory, which…
What is care and who is paying for it?Valuing care and care work does not simply mean attributing care workmore monetary value. To really achieve change, we must go so muchfurther.As the world becomes seemingly more uncaring, the calls for people to…
In Croatia, Slovenia and Austria, the coronavirus crisis raised pre-existingdeficiencies in the democratic orders to the surface, i.e., issues infunctioning according to democratic principles in the circumstances of apublic health crisis. In Austria,…