Nicolae Iorga is a person of much significance in the history and culture of Romania. He very often spoke about Polish matters in a broad sense pertaining both to academic and political issues. Nicolae Iorga’s involvement with Poland is noticeable…
The article discusses the figure of Jerzy Grobicki (1891–1972) who served as an officer of the imperial and royal army and became the Polish Army colonel in the Second Polish Republic. He participated in World Wars I and II and after the war migrated…
Jak funguje demokracie v Malajsii? Tato monografie jako první v českémprostředí přináší rozsáhlou analýzu volebních a politických jevůodehrávajících se v malajsijské politice. Malajsie prošla do získání svénezávislosti v roce 1957 koloniální…
Kniha se věnuje tématu, které je v oblasti politologického výzkumu doznačné míry marginální. Nicméně domníváme se, že studium politikynejmenších evropských států s demokratickými formami vládnutí mápotenciál přinést výsledky, jež dají vyniknout…
In 2014, the agricultural sanctions Russia imposed on the European Union (EU) had a perceivable impact on the EU’s economy. Yet the sanctions arguably had a disproportionate impact, which suggests they were particularly successful in exposing…
Emphasizing Poland and its relations with Ukraine, this paper applies a Europeanization framework to examine the uploading of external relations policies by EU members. It argues that as enlargement has shortened the list of countries to which the EU…
Decolonial investigations often take the “after” of decolonization as a point of departure, arguing that modernity/coloniality does not end with independences. This text challenges the taken-for-granted assumption that political decolonizations are…
Sexual misconduct in South Korea occurs in various forms and in various sectors since a long time due to the social construction of the local citizen. Series of sexual harassment cases that take place in the United States’ film industry which made…
Penyebab konflik berkepanjangan antara Israel dan Palestina telah menjadi perdebatan sejak konflik ini bermula di awal abad 20. Berbagai penelitian telah menjelaskan faktor-faktor penyebab konflik melalu berbagai instrument dan teori. Tulisan ini…
The article discusses the novel 2025. An-Nida al-Akhir [2025. The Last Call] written by a young Egyptian journalist and writer born in 1982 – Mustafa al-Husayni. The novel was published in early 2011, between the fall of Zayn al-Abidin Ibn Ali in…