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This innovative volume gathers some of the world’s best scholars to analysethe world’s collective international efforts to address globalised threatsthrough global security governance. Addressing global and planetary formsof insecurity that include…

Around the world, people who are angry at stagnant wages and growinginequality have rebelled against established governments and turned topolitical extremes. Liberal democracy, history's greatest engine of growth,now struggles to overcome…

This handbook offers a critical assessment of the African agenda for conflictprevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding; the challengesand opportunities facing Africa’s regional organisations in their effortstowards building sustainable…

This edited volume explores the different ways in which members of theEuropean Union have interacted with Kosovo since it declaredindependence in 2008. While there is a tendency to think of EU states interms of two distinct groups – those that have…

As demonstrated in any conflict, war is violent and causes grave harms toinnocent persons, even when fought in compliance with just war criteria. Inthis book, Rosemary Kellison presents a feminist critique of just warreasoning, with particular focus…

The postcommunist countries were amongst the most fervent andcommitted adopters of neoliberal economic reforms. Not only did theymanage to overcome the anticipated domestic opposition to 'shocktherapy' and Washington Consensus reforms, but many…

Foreign and security policy have long been removed from the politicalpressures that influence other areas of policymaking. This has led to atendency to separate the analytical levels of the individual and thecollective. Using Lacanian theory, which…

The Sahel region currently faces various social, political, security, and environmental issues. However, the scientific and media discourse tends to oversimplify the underlying causes of these issues. While some authors attribute them to the heavy…

The adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 onwomen, peace and security (WPS) in 2000 has prompted the developmentof an extensive WPS scholarship within the field of feminist InternationalRelations. The dynamic scholarly…

This article examines the relaunch of European defense cooperation since2016 from the perspective of neoclassical realism, a theoretical approach tothe study of foreign policy which explores how domestic political andideational factors shape national…
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