The promotion of security sector reform strategies: Comparing the roles of the European Union and Canada
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The promotion of security sector reform strategies: Comparing the roles of the European Union and Canada
This article analyzes the role of the European Union (EU) and Canada in the promotion of Security Sector Reforms (SSR) activities in two regional organizations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The concept of SSR seeks to address the effective governance of security in post-conflict environment by transforming the security institutions within a country in order for them to have more efficient, legitimate and democratic role in implementing security. Recent debates within the EU have led to the adoption of an SSR concept from the Council and a new strategy from the European Commission on the SSR activities. Within the framework of the ESDP, the EU has positioned itself as a leading actor, in this domain, including in its crisis management operations. On the other hand, Canada, through its whole-of government and human security programs has also been an important actor in the promotion of SSR activities. Yet, even though several international organizations (including the United Nations, the OSCE and NATO) are effectively doing SSR activities on the ground, there does not exist a common framework within any of these organizations despite the role of the EU and Canada. As such, it is surprising to found no global common policy for SSR while this approach is precisely holistic in its foundations. Taking these elements into consideration, this paper analyzes two specific aspects : a) the absence of a common policy framework within international organizations and b) the major differences between the approaches of the OSCE and NATO in the domain of SSR and the implications for the EU and Canada’ roles.
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Vandemoorteele, Antoine
Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies; 2007: RERA V3:2 New Foreign Policy Challenges and Canada-EU Relations (backfile abstracts)
Centre for European Studies, Carleton University
Peer-reviewed Article
Antoine Vandemoorteele, The promotion of security sector reform strategies: Comparing the roles of the European Union and Canada, Centre for European Studies, Carleton University, 2007, accessed March 14, 2025,