Liberal Studies
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Liberal Studies
School of Liberal Studies, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India
Collection Items
Akhil Katyal, How Many Countries Does the Indus Cross, (the (Great) Indian Poetry Collective, 2019)
The political residue embedded in the consciousness of the people who are divided by the political lines nonetheless shares an undivided common history finds a voice in the poems of Akhil Katyal. The poems, in Akhil Katyal's How Many Countries does…
Kisholoy Roy, Women in Indian Advertisements – Plots & Perspectives, ( 2017)
Dr. Roy has classified the book into two sections viz. Perspectives & Plots. The perspectives section provides insight into advertisements and advertising. It tries to debunk various myths regarding advertisements by highlighting the ‘asset…
Robert D. Kaplan, Earning the Rockies: How Geography Shapes America's Role in the World (New York: Random House, 2017)
Earning the Rockies by Robert Kaplan is a narrative and account of America and its geographical and physical aspects which make it significant in the conduction of its foreign policy and domestic affairs. The book is a result of travels undertaken by…
Mental Health Concerns and Challenges in India: The Way Forward
The prevalence of mental illness in India is rapidly increasing and of grave concern is the decreasing age of onset among the youth. This article below outlines the significant concerns and challenges of the mental health care system in India and…
Role of Personality on Adult Criminals Going Through Imprisonment
Crime is an act of violence and aggression against not only an individual but also against the society as a whole. Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. The study of personality…
Iran Nuclear Deal: US' Stance and Role of Europe
The success of multilateral process in finding a diplomatic solution of Iran nuclear programme has been undermined by the US withdrawal from the JCPOA. The E3 - which played a crucial role in Iran nuclear deal- has been making efforts for preserving…
Internet Citizens, Cashless Economy and Scope of Financial Inclusions
A cashless economy is one in which all the transactions are performed using cards or by digital means. In India demonetization of currencies, digitalized (cashless) transactions are promoted in order to give a fillip to a cashless economy. Bank…
Mahatma Gandhi: A Sesquicentennial Birthday Tribute
Mahatma Gandhi has left his heritage of spiritual force; the influence which emanated from his personality was ineffable, like music, like beauty its claim upon others was great because of its revelation of a spontaneous self-giving. Suffice to say,…
Neuropsychology of Aggression and Mental Illness
Examination of neuropsychological functioning, both in healthy populations and in individuals with brain injury, has provided important information with regard to lateralization of cognitive function, gender differences in neuropsychological…
Health Issues and Psychological Dispositions: Some Highlights and Explanations
Human beings are complex systems and their illness may be caused by a multitude of factors, as just not a single factor such as a virus or bacterium. Health has to be seen not only from the medical model but must include the significant and integral…