Computer Science and Engineering Subindex (CSE-SI)

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Computer Science and Engineering Subindex (CSE-SI)

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Project-based learning is a student-centered approach to learning that emphasizes hands-on experiences, collaboration, and real-world problem-solving. The process of evaluating students' learning outcomes in a learning project, however, faces…

The present study looks at how the internet of things and blockchain technology might be used to improve prospects in supply chain procedures. The current pandemic has highlighted the significance of resilient and dependable supply chain systems that…

The fast growth of technologies during the Industry 4.0 era resulted in new or evolved organisations forming. Throughout the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the interaction between technology and humans evolved. Furthermore, the skills and capacities…

The Covid-19 pandemic that spreaded around the world in March 2020 has changed the nation’s education landscape. Standard Operating Procedures that demand presence at respective residences have made online learning one of the best platforms that…

Illegal distribution of digital data is a common danger in the film industry, especially with the rapid spread of the Internet, where it is now possible to easily distribute pirated copies of digital video on a global scale. The Watermarking system…

This research and development are motivated by the problem of limited learning resources on Computers and Basic Networks in SMK Negeri 2. This happens because no learning media attracts students' interest in learning. Therefore, the writer tries to…

Previous research into multimedia learning has mainly focused on cognitive factors to investigate different instructional conditions and design principles. Emotional aspects have so far been widely neglected. This study investigates how the cheerful…

Our paper advocates the preparation of future mathematics teachers for the use of game-based learning and gamification technologies. For this purpose, we created a university course that is dedicated to familiarizing the students with basic concepts…

Smartphones and high-speed network connections allow businesses to deliver information to customers faster and more efficiently than ever before. This study analyses the most-cited articles on smartphone online marketing. A bibliometric mapping…

Recordings are exceptionally good at passing on the teacher's eagerness and objectives for teaching English, which are difficult to clarify. It can be passed on within the video. The teacher used to get the learning videos from YouTube or Facebook.…
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