AbstrakIsu-isu terkait budaya, ekonomi, dan nilai seringkali menghasilkan konflik. Tak terkecuali dengan isu perebutan wilayah. Salahsatu perang terbesar yang terkait dengan isu sengketa wilayah adalah perang Iran-Irak 1988. Perang Iran-Irak 1988…
This paper utilizes the notion of securitization as a framework for explaining Jamaica's security response to the 2009 Jamaica-USA Extradition Affair. The Extradition Treaty between the two countries is an important agreement used to address…
The increasing number and severity of security crises around the European periphery have called into question the preparedness and capability of European states. Civil wars, mass migration, unstable institutions, and direct kinetic conflict are…
This article examines the role of citizens in the process of building and managing city brands. A multidisciplinary approach is applied to explain the multifaceted nature of territorial brands and citizen involvement. To this end, theoretical…
Renewable energy is expected to support the sustainable development whether in terms of environment itself, or in economic and social. Biofuel as the product of palm oil is one of the renewable energy sources that can answer the problems that caused…
This book offers a comparative survey of 18 contemporary peace processes conducted by leading international scholars.
There is no standard model of peace processes and all will vary according to the context, type of conflict, timing, national and…
A non-traditional candidate, an unprecedented president? Why didAmericans elect such a controversial figure as the head of their country?What were the causes and context for electing Donald Trump as theAmerican president and which strategies and…
This article will first characterize the nature of the Islamic ‘threat’ facing modern day Europe, by arguing that such ‘threats’ are fed by the forces of internalization. By specifically focusing on case studies found in Jytte Klausen’s “The Islamic…
V prvním letošním čísle Mezinárodních vztahů vyšel článek Tomáše Profantas názvem Rasizmus v rozvoji a rozvojové spolupráci. Publikování textuspustilo živou diskusi, kterou se redakce rozhodla podpořit oslovenímněkterých dalších autorů a autorek a…
Representative democracy is beset by a crisis of legitimacy across the world,but in Europe this crisis is compounded by the inadequacy of nationalgovernments to address citizens’ frustrations and to achieve transnationalunity on common issues. How…