Building on an original dataset, this article focuses on the interactions between NATO and its declared worldwide partners. It argues that the analysis of these interactions can reveal NATO’s strategic approach to partnerships, but it can also…
Východiskem knihy je feministická kritika současné diplomacie, kterápovažuje genderovou nerovnost za jeden z jejích problémů. Kniha tytootázky podrobuje analýze, která jde za úroveň pouhé kritiky současnéhostavu. V centru pozornosti stojí eliminace…
This article presents a short history of the origin and creation of the Almanac “Women and Russia,” which began as a samizdat underground publication devoted to the problem of women and childrearing in the USSR. The idea for creating such an Almanac…
The first Chinese immigrants arrived in the United States in the 1820s and initially their presence did not result in improving the American perception of China. On the contrary – intense immigration from China led to the development of racist and…
The study focuses on the long-term struggle for an autocephalous statusfor Ukrainian Orthodoxy and also on the links between religion andnationalism. Theoretically it is based primarily on Rogers Brubaker’sconcept of religion as imbricated or…
In recent years the nature of secularism and the rights of religious minorities have come to the fore as issues in debates concerning citizenship, multiculturalism and immigration, both in Canada and the European Union. Unlike earlier campaigns of…
Colombia is now projecting a new, positive image to the world after overcoming a past characterised by politically inspired guerrilla warfare and violent conflict with narco-trafficking cartels which had ravaged the country for decades. Even before…
This article examines how narcotics came to be at the centre of US Foreign Policy in Latin America as of the latter half of the 20th Century. The central role of narcotics, referred to as narcotisation, is evident in the case study of US-Colombia…
This edited volume explores the different ways in which members of theEuropean Union have interacted with Kosovo since it declaredindependence in 2008. While there is a tendency to think of EU states interms of two distinct groups – those that have…
Humanitarian needs in Cameroon have been growing steadily over the years due to the multiple crises the country has been going through. This study aims to analyse the international assistance provided to the populations of Far North Cameroon who are…