De facto states have moved from a periphery to the center of academicattention during the last two decades. The objective of the paper is anidentification of characteristic development trends within a set of thesenon-state territorial political…
Kniha se věnuje tématu, které je v oblasti politologického výzkumu doznačné míry marginální. Nicméně domníváme se, že studium politikynejmenších evropských států s demokratickými formami vládnutí mápotenciál přinést výsledky, jež dají vyniknout…
Po celou historii se mezinárodní společenství snaží posílit globální měnovoua finanční stabilitu. Předkládaná publikace ukazuje, jakým způsobem seČeská republika podílela a podílí na tomto mezinárodním úsilí v oblastiglobální governance,…
Currently, with the booming of New Media, it is not uncommon to see causes and campaigns meant to raise awareness on certain issues. One of the all-time viral campaigns was ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’ campaign videos performed by well-known…
This article examines the role of citizens in the process of building and managing city brands. A multidisciplinary approach is applied to explain the multifaceted nature of territorial brands and citizen involvement. To this end, theoretical…
The research looks into the authoritarian regime survival strategies in Egyptand Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it examines howthe autocratic rulers in both countries dealt with the securitization dilemmacaused by the coronavirus…
The European policies acknowledge greenways and “Green Infrastructure” as strategically planned and delivered networks comprising the broadest range of green spaces and other environmental features. The Aniene River, linking the eastern suburbs of…
Polish-German relations in the first half of 2014 were dominated by the Ukraine crisis. This study is an attempt to answer the question of how Polish and German press assessed the cooperation of both countries in resolving the conflict in Ukraine; to…
Nicolae Iorga is a person of much significance in the history and culture of Romania. He very often spoke about Polish matters in a broad sense pertaining both to academic and political issues. Nicolae Iorga’s involvement with Poland is noticeable…
The rapid economic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe, modelled on Western economies and based, in some aspects, on neoliberal principles, Has found the region’s countries to a bigger (Eastern European countries) or lesser (Poland,…