Health care affordability, accessibility, availability, and quality have long been a major concern for humanity. It is the use of telecommunications and information technology for consultations, education, and public awareness, with the goal of…
The process of folding clothes is one of the activities carried out in the household, and the laundry business is one of the micro-enterprises that are mushrooming at this time. Business actors use many strategies to increase productivity and…
The Indonesia Smart College Card Program (KIP-K) is a tuition assistance program (scholarship) from the Government through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). In the KIP-K scholarship selection process,…
Home security is an essential factor and must be maintained; currently, the development of technology or security systems continues to be improved, one of which is Eye Retina and Artificial Intelligence. in this research, the use of Motion Sensors in…
This study aims to create a smart system in controlling tilapia biofloc ponds. The type of research is laboratory experiments and the category of system testing, namely Functionality testing, is used to measure the performance of the system hardware.…
Data Analysis of the Number of Tourism Businesses in the Entertainment and Recreation Sector is used as data sources for extracting information. In this study, data on the number of tourism businesses in the entertainment and recreation sector will…
This study aims to identify the need for developing a financial literacy pocketbook for Malay ethnic homemakers in running a home industry business, compiling a financial literacy pocket bookmaking tool, and measuring or knowing the validation of the…
Human Resources (HR) owned by employees is an important element in a company. Human resource management is a determining aspect of the work success of a company. If employee performance can be managed properly, it is expected that the company can run…
Optimal production planning is one of the essential aspects of achieving company targets. Errors in planning production result in non-maximum profit gains. Furthermore, there needs to be a method to avoid mistakes in production planning, and it is…
E-mail is a medium of long-distance communication via the internet, which is currently often used for message exchange needs. But the use of e-mail has security problems, especially regarding data leakage when sending messages via e-mail. One of the…