Nowadays, the advancement of technology makes the life easier and convenience. Smart home is one of the technology provide a better life environment for the residents. The purpose of this study is to make a systematic and empirical study on the…
Smartphone usage is increasing due to several features and opportunities offered by manufacturers and service providers. Existing literature attributes this increased usage to the availability of virtual assistants, mainly voice assistants, that…
In the age of digital era where the Internet is playing an important and dominant role, the concern of the higher education to ensure that the Internet within the reach of the students is very important. However, little research has been reported to…
The Saudi Arabian government is committed to updating and improving its education system. Thus, in March 2017, a project was declared to convert the existing book-based methodology to modern, mobile technology in the K-12 education space by 2021. As…
Images for social media are an essential component of any blog or social media post. As we now live in the age of the 'camera in everyone's pocket', a new dynamic era of image creation and content has emerged. However, people use media due to…
This paper reports on a survey investigating the role that differences in expectations and perceptions of mobile learning and mobile devices play in establishing mobile learning at an educational institution. Responses from institutions with no…
This study focuses on factors that predict consumer attitudes towards short message service (SMS) advertising. The purpose of the study is to build a predictive framework that can be employed to identify which factors of SMS advertising contribute to…
Fake accounts on online social networks are increasing today with an increase in the number of active social network users. Social media websites allow users to share thoughts, facts, views and re-sharing these into various networks. Social media…
Multimedia CAPTCHAs play a crucial role in bot filtering policies for VoIP applications. Network flows carrying CAPTCHA content have a very small lifespan and require high transmission quality, making for special handling at transport layer. The…
AbstractـــThe study aimed at detecting the level of (nomophobia) among students in Jordan and its impact on psycho-loneliness. The findings showed that the level of nomophobia through smart phone applications among secondary school students was…