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Greenland has a special relationship with the European Union due to its link with the Kingdom of Denmark – Greenland’s mother country. As a result, Greenland shares some parts of the EU’s internal market via association agreements. Greenland, has…

This paper examines the International Student Competition on Place Brand­ing and Mediterranean Diet held in Fermo, Italy, in the context of the devel­opment of rural areas. This one-week food-related educational programme was organised by the…

In diesem Artikel wurde in einer vergleichenden Perspektive die Politik von zwei in vielerlei Hinsicht sehr ähnlichen, neutralen Staaten der EG gegenüber untersucht, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zeit nach der Unterzeichnung der Einheitlichen…

The dramatic transformation of the Arabian Gulf since the Discovery of petroleum resources has called for a new perspective on the situation of women in the region. Qatar is an example of fast-paced industrialization, modernization and profound…

The research explains the background of an alliance model which is a new collaborative project concept in urban infrastructure investments and reviews stakeholder views of applied alliances based on a case study analys­ing project experiences in the…

In the last decades, worldwide wine tourism has been steadily progressing and has grown substantially as a research object. Several academic papers treat strategies for development and management of wine tourism. This paper aims to describe recent…

The “facts” of international politics constitute the first-order representations of political life and can be reflected in popular entertainment as second-order or fictional representations. This article demonstrates that discourses of popular…

After Arab Spring many hopes were dashed. However historical change must be happening now in the area of social awareness. The rise of ex­tremism limits awareness and also endangers the Arab identity. The Arab revolution has to be more than the…

The “Freedom Agenda” of President George W. Bush for the Middle East assumed that the liberation of Iraq from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the start of political change would trigger the process of democratization of the entire region.…

Georges Sorel is a Franco-Italian thinker, famous as the creator of the theory of modern political mythology. In Poland Sorel is seen only as a Marxist thinker. In reality, Sorel was a nonorthodox Marxist, but in the last decades of his life he…
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