The present book reveals and compares the ways in which hierarchies ofpower are created in postcolonial societies. At the same time, it tries todeconstruct these hierarchies, ie to reveal their initial assumptions andconsequences. Thus, it shows that…
The European Union (EU) is facing one of the rockiest periods in itsexistence. At no time in its history has it looked so economically fragile, soinsecure about how to protect its borders, so divided over how to tackle thecrisis of legitimacy facing…
Monografie se věnuje československým krajanům pobývajícím v Austrálii zaprvní i druhé světové války. Zachycuje válečné osudy Čechoslováků, kteří navzdálený kontinent odcestovali v době předválečné či meziválečné, ale takétěch, kteří se zde ocitli až…
In the light of the Chinese and Indian perspectives on the cessation of theDoklam impasse, the present article analyses China’s role and status ininternational politics. The Chinese perspective described China as a statusquo power and never accepted…
The study examines contemporary discourses in two small CentralEuropean states, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The aim is to analyzehow key domestic political players discursively construct foreign policy vis-à-vis the migration crisis.…
Around the world, people who are angry at stagnant wages and growinginequality have rebelled against established governments and turned topolitical extremes. Liberal democracy, history's greatest engine of growth,now struggles to overcome…
What are the effects of populists in power on democracy during apandemic? The paper seeks to distinguish the extent to which the COVID-19pandemic can (not) be traced to democratic erosion and democraticresilience. Are the changes in the quality of…
What is care and who is paying for it?Valuing care and care work does not simply mean attributing care workmore monetary value. To really achieve change, we must go so muchfurther.As the world becomes seemingly more uncaring, the calls for people to…
Whilst most accounts of nation branding emphasize the economic anddiplomatic relevance of the phenomenon, this article examines the wayEstonia has been proposing a nation “branding + building” strategy.Drawing from an empirical study of 1) evolving…
Jaké jsou kořeny vzniku Islámského státu, jeho strategie a nečekanéhoúspěchu? Může se vzestup podobných skupin opakovat? Jeden znejvýznamnějších světových expertů na problematiku muslimskéhoextremismu, rodák z Libanonu vyučující mezinárodní vztahy v…