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International activities of local governments, also known in the literature as paradiplomacy, have significantly increased in the recent years. In Indonesia, local governments are allowed to conduct international relations or city diplomacy in…

This paper focuses on the Xinjiang conflict with the central government as one of the conflicts that have sparked the world's attention, especially in western countries. Western media spend their most effort on discussing Vocational Education and…

Gastrodiplomasi adalah diplomasi budaya yang menggunakan makanan sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap merek sebuah negara. Thailand merupakan negara pertama yang memahami tentang bagaimana menggunakan gastrodiplomasi dan…

Chinatown is a residential area inhabited by a group of ethnic Chinese. These settlements have been widely spread in various countries since hundreds of years ago and attracted the tourist all over the world. Nevertheless, the emergence of COVID-19…

One fact that is very often overlooked is that the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, often referred to as Chinese Indonesians, play an important part in the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and People’s Republic of China (PRC.) The image that the…

State and non-state actor play crucial roles in solving the conflict within country. On June 2011 through mandate that was given by General Assembly, the 66/811 report was released by United Nations Secretary General on titled “Strengthening the Role…

This paper aims to analyze the importance of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in strengthening Indonesian imagined community as archipelagic country. The idea has become more important following the rise of President Joko Widodo, who…

The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) is regarded as one of the most aggressive and impactful worldwide efforts conducted to contain the spread of WMD materials and delivery system.Despite heavy pressure from the United States and its palpable…

The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has brought many fundamental changes in the political practices. One of the main essential aspects of ICTs is internet. This internet plays an important role in developing the…

Serangkaian serangan teror yang terjadi di Prancis sejak deklarasi kekhalifahan ISIS pada tahun 2014 telah membuktikan bahwa ruang lingkup operasi ISIS tidak lagi terbatas pada wilayah mereka, melainkan telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Oleh karena…
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