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The purpose of the proposed research is to design and implement a LabVIEW-based remote lab client to run on a TCP/IP enabled PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) device, thus teaching using this wireless m-learning system will not be limited by time and…

In the process of European constitutionalisation, the European Union continues to struggle for an identity that can generate widespread support amongst its peoples. Against this background it has been suggested by some that a European identity…

Sustainable development has underlined the relevance of education and culture in the specific area. While place-based learning has been shown to be a successful community-oriented approach, this study combined the participation of people in a variety…

Objet politique pas toujours identifié, mais souvent controversé, la citoyenneté européenne, près de 15 ans après son introduction dans le Traité de Maastricht, continue de susciter le débat : quelle citoyenneté pour quelle Europe ? Quelle autonomie…

The Russian Orthodox Church has become a significant actor in Russia afterthe fall of the Soviet Union. This text is dedicated to its role in Russiaʼsforeign policy, specifically to the topic of the Russian interest in problemsand protection of…

Po celé dějiny přicházeli ruští myslitelé, geografové a státníci s vizemi o rolia civilizační příslušnosti své velké země. Zároveň při tom odhalovalineujasněnost geografického i hodnotového rámce ruské státnosti i identityruské společnosti. Tápání…

The success of information systems research has begun to decline in the past few years, but existing research is still inaccurate in its definition and in the factors that affect the success of the information system. The purpose of this research is…

Given China’s proactive international diplomacy today, it continues to make its presence felt in the region. The ambitious project of Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) stands among the widest reaching of all other initiatives. It not only represents a…
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