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The focus of this study lies in the instrumental use of history as a tool forthe legitimization of political claims. Our paper is related to the SlovakNational Uprising, which plays a crucial role in the national mythology ofSlovakia. This role is a…

This Handbook maps the contours of an exciting and burgeoning interdisciplinary field concerned with the role of language and languages in situations of conflict. It explores conceptual approaches, sources of information that are available, and the…

The phenomenal story of China’s ‘unprecedented disposition to engage theinternational legal order’ has been primarily told and examined by politicalscientists and economists. Since China adopted its ‘open door’ policy in1978, which altered its…

Pope Francis confuses many observers because his papacy does not fitneatly into any pre-established classificatory schemes. To gain a deeperappreciation of Francis’s complicated papacy, this volume proposes that aninterdisciplinary approach, fusing…

At the root of inequality, unemployment, and populism are radical changesin the world economy. Digital technology is allowing talented foreigners totelecommute into our workplaces and compete for service and professionaljobs. Instant machine…

This paper critically scrutinizes Timothy Snyder’s book The Road toUnfreedom. Russia, Europe, America (The Bodley Head, Vintage, London2018). It claims that the main reason for his failure to present a convincingaccount of the current neo-nationalist…

Whilst most accounts of nation branding emphasize the economic anddiplomatic relevance of the phenomenon, this article examines the wayEstonia has been proposing a nation “branding + building” strategy.Drawing from an empirical study of 1) evolving…

The study examines contemporary discourses in two small CentralEuropean states, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The aim is to analyzehow key domestic political players discursively construct foreign policy vis-à-vis the migration crisis.…

Jak funguje demokracie v Malajsii? Tato monografie jako první v českémprostředí přináší rozsáhlou analýzu volebních a politických jevůodehrávajících se v malajsijské politice. Malajsie prošla do získání svénezávislosti v roce 1957 koloniální…

Východiskem knihy je feministická kritika současné diplomacie, kterápovažuje genderovou nerovnost za jeden z jejích problémů. Kniha tytootázky podrobuje analýze, která jde za úroveň pouhé kritiky současnéhostavu. V centru pozornosti stojí eliminace…
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