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Generally people move either legally or illegally due to socioeconomic and environmental reasons like poverty, unemployment and climate change or in search of better opportunities like for work and education, apart from for the reasons of…

Climate change is a global environmental problem which has been receiving intense political attention both at the domestic and international levels. Climate change is a human development issue which undermines expanding human potential, developing…

This study examined the influence of teaching methods, relevance, and effect of edutainment on the development of life skills. Using an Experimental research paradigm, the study compared the F values of Pre-test and Post-test of both Control and…

There has been much rigorous questioning about the idea and practice of colonialism in current reflections on colonialism and post/coloniality. Except for some serious intellectual examination over the inter-relations between gender and colonisation…

Indian television has a come a long way since its humble beginnings. But while advancements are being made on the technical front, most soaps on Indian television lack realism and thrive by weaving new patterns on a tattered storyboard saturated in…

In 2018, India and Bhutan completed 50 years of their diplomatic relationships. For a large number of South Asian observers and commentators, the two countries are considered close to each other, however, there are areas of concern. One of them is…

Over the years, India has been able to acquire a credible minimum nuclear deterrence. In this, the Agni missile system is integral to India‟s counter second-strike capability especially against China. The Agni category missiles are solid propelled…

The doctrine of informed consent in medical law andethics has a strong grounding in the principle of bodilyautonomy and self-determination of human beings. Thisemphasis on the freedom of every individual to decidewhat is best for his/her body and…
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