Browse Items (62 total)

Online courses, webinars and other digital media open up a wide range of convenient, cost-effective training options for law professionals. Myriad combinations of technology, platforms, content and classrooms are nowadays possible. In particular, the…

The explosion in visual representations of legal concepts and processes is a thrilling innovation which can expand open access to law. By and large, however, visual representations of the law have not adequately fulfilled the promise of access. No…

This paper describes the benefits of using network visualisation as a user interface to Citators. I show that three types of search queries that arise in legal research can be framed as querying the existence of certain composite citation…

In the present paper we will verify if and how the institutional guidelines on administrative document drafting of extra-EU countries, include recommendations on the use of visual elements to make the content of the institutional texts more…

The creation of Europe’s Digital Single Market requires interoperable multilingual resources in the Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) cloud. The PMKI project aims to create a public multilingual knowledge management infrastructure, able to establish…

Although access to primary legal materials in South Africa is now easily accessible as a result of the Free Access to Law movement, access to legal scholarship is not as easy. Through using the University of Cape Town (UCT) as a case study, due to…

This paper enumerates the efforts made by the Supreme Court of India and proposes a road map of how the existing Information and Communication Tech- nology (ICT) can help Indian judiciary to evolve as more technology driven with increased…

This article is an acknowledgement of the gap and frustrations created by a legal regime, which has provided the requisite legal covering for the exclusion of the generality from access to knowledge. It provides a theoretical analysis of open access…

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L’ère de l’inventeur solitaire est révolue. La capacité des divers acteurs àcollaborer en mettant en commun des compétences et des points de vue différents,à échanger sans fuir les conflits, permet de parcourir des chemins inexplorés oumême de…
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